
Gelar 'Nobar' Bersama Warga, Viktor Parulian Rangkul Warga Sekitar : Kita Adalah Saudara

PEKANBARU , Riautribune . com - To witness the 2022 FIFA World Cup final, Member of the Pekanbaru City Council, Viktor Parulian, held a 'nobar' with residents around his house.

Viktor Parulian, who is also chairman of the PDI Perjuangan faction, did not forget to embrace the residents around his residence on Sunday, December 18, 2022.

Dozens of Tanjung Jati street residents, ranging from teenagers to parents who like to watch the 2022 FIFA World Cup final match, namely the match between Argentina vs France, packed Viktor Parulian's residence.

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Through watching together or nobar which he holds, Viktor Parulian who is fondly called Babe hopes that local residents will not be affected by negative activities.

"We are gathered here to watch the World Cup final (FIFA 2022) between Argentina and France," said Babe.

"Our hope is that younger siblings and surrounding relatives always do positive things," continued Babe.

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Adapun tujuan nobar yang digelar di kediamannya, Babe berharap agar warga sekitar tidak merasa ada batasan antara dirinya sebagai wakil rakyat dengan warga.

"Disini kita berusaha menghilangkan paradigma yang merasa bahwa wakil rakyat adalah orang yang sulit untuk ditemui," kata Babe.

"Saya pribadi adalah wakil rakyat dalam menyampaikan aspirasi kepada pemerintah, bukan pribadi yang mengekslusifkan diri, karena saya ada untuk warga," tegas Babe.

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Lewat nobar tersebut, Babe juga berharap agar warga dapat melihat bahwa wakil rakyat adalah pribadi yang sama dengan warga itu sendiri.

"I am part of the community, of course the residents are me and I am a citizen. The point is that we are all a family who can sit and move forward together," concluded Viktor Parulian alias Babe. ***

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